About me.


Klaudiusz Marszałek: Innovative Solutions Beyond Business

Klaudiusz Marszałek

Software Engineer in Web Application Development

My name is Klaudiusz Marszałek, and I am a software engineer with over 15 years of experience in the technology industry. I specialize in creating advanced web and mobile applications that support various sectors, including FinTech, e-commerce, and manufacturing.

Professional Experience

Development and Maintenance of Web Applications

My professional career includes working for companies like Worldline and Sii, where I develop and maintain internal web applications. In my role as a programmer, I not only create software but also mentor younger team members, promoting best practices and efficiency in teamwork. Thanks to my experience in large-scale projects, I effectively manage the full application lifecycle from planning to implementation.

Innovative Projects for Various Industries

Unique and Innovative Solutions

Over 15 years of my career, I have had the opportunity to work on many projects that required advanced technical knowledge and a creative approach to problem-solving.

My experience includes creating web tools for presenting interactive 3D animations that allow detailed visualization of complex product functions.

I have also worked on an advanced communication platform that uses artificial intelligence to translate conversations in real-time, teaching me to integrate AI systems and optimize communication processes.

Additionally, I developed applications that support digital resource management, product configuration, and client classification. Working on these projects allowed me to develop skills in design, implementation, and integration of complex systems. I was responsible for creating new functionalities and modernizing existing applications, enabling the delivery of solutions tailored to specific client needs.

I often serve as a mentor to less experienced programmers, which helps me develop skills in team management and promoting best practices in coding and project management.

Through years of working in various industries such as FinTech, e-commerce, and manufacturing, I have gained the ability to adapt flexibly to changing project requirements. Each project I have worked on has enriched my skills and allowed me to better understand the needs of clients and end-users.

Continual Expansion of Knowledge

Continuous Improvement and Development

I completed my master's degree in Information Systems Management at the University of Economics in Krakow. My education is complemented by numerous certificates I have obtained throughout my career, confirming my competencies in areas such as DevOps and programming. I consistently follow the latest technological trends and engage in projects that enhance my skills.

Passion and Relaxation

Balance Between Work and Personal Life

Outside of work, I am passionate about travel, electronic music, and mountain biking. I believe that maintaining a balance between professional and private life is crucial for sustaining high efficiency and creativity at work. Thanks to my interests, I can keep a fresh perspective and energy to take on new challenges.

Social Media

LinkedIn Profile

To learn more about my professional experience, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn profile: Klaudiusz Marszałek on LinkedIn.